Sunday, January 20, 2008

sobering thoughts

My favorite radio show is The Rick & Bubba show based here in B'ham. I learned that one of the co-hosts, Rick, lost his youngest son in an accidental drowning. Bronner was 2 years old.
For several reasons, this news has pretty much captured my thoughts this afternoon. One, its Sunday, and though I know this shouldn't be limited to just one day a week, my thoughts are usually somewhat reflective and deep every Sunday. Two, I'm pregnant, and my emotions are very heightened. Three, Rachel just turned 3 in November and Noah will be 2 in March, right there at the same age.
Jared and I spent a little while talking about the news earlier. My heart breaks for Rick and his family and for everyone involved in the show as I'm sure they are all very close. Losing a child has to be the hardest trial anyone could go through in this life. This will definitely be a monumental turning point for everyone involved. I'm wondering about the innumerable affects this event will have. The family obviously will never be the same. I pray that God will comfort them, give them strength to just get out of bed, keep them from despair, hold their minds and hearts by His mercy, bring them wise counsel and comfort through godly friends, bind Satan from their thoughts, begin to bring healing, reveal Himself as a loving God to Bronner's older siblings. I wonder what the future of the radio show will look like. Will the format change? Will any person involved still be motivated to provide the same brand of silliness and humor that they've always brought to their listeners? I wonder about the audience, both believers and non-believers alike. Could this possibly be a turning point for them as well? Could God use this tragedy to bring many into His kingdom by the testimony of Rick and his family?
In situations like this, the only thing believers can do is remember what God has said in His word about who He is, about life, and about His plans and purposes for everything that happens. He is good. He is sovreign. He is God. He loves us.

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