Wednesday, January 16, 2008

'it takes a village..'

I took Rach and Noah to Wal*Mart today. Why is it that people feel not only the need but also feel that its their duty to comment on how strangers take care of their children? Is this a generational thing? It was 37-ish degrees outside and rain/snowing a little bit, and horror of horrors, I had neglected to put a hat on Noah. Never mind that we were only going in and out of Wal*Mart. Never mind that I searched for and found a close parking space. Never mind that Rachel was wearing the hoodie on her coat. Never mind that Noah was dressed warmly in every other sense of the word. Why is it that I earn a "tsk, tsk" from the "friendly, helpful Wal*Mart team member" because my almost 2-year-old is without a hat?

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