Tuesday, January 8, 2008

one of my things

Every one has 'their things,' little quirks that they enjoy that other folks might find silly or boring or just pointless. I have several. For example, I love to do the crossword puzzle in the newspaper every morning after breakfast, usually while drinking something warm and caffeinated. Rach and Noah sit happily entertained watching Dora or Diego or Wonder Pets, and I have a few minutes to try and think of 3-,4-,5-word answers to a plethora of clues. I've yet to finish one but I've come really close several times. Another one of my things is watching Gilmore Girls. The series has officially ended, but ABC Family shows the reruns in order every afternoon at 4. I don't know why I enjoy watching this show so much. Most of 'my things' are without explanation anyway. I'm impressed with how educated and well-read Rory seems to be; I like to read. I absolutely love the mother/daughter relationship Rory & Lorelai have; I have a daughter, and I think it'd be so much fun to be that close with Rachel when she hits those crazy teenage years. I enjoy analyzing all of Lorelai's decisions; why it took her so long to finally let Christopher go has still got me stumped. I don't know...its just one of those shows that is fun to watch with a group of girlfriends as you eat pizza and myriads of other junk food. It reminds me of when I was in college ~ Tuesday nights, my roommates and I would order pizza because Papa Johns had a 'two-for-tuesday' deal. We'd sit on the floor in front of the TV and watch whichever made-for-tv movie seemed most appealing while at the same time take the latest quizzes in Cosmo and Glamour. It was great fun even if we ended up watching way too much lifetime.

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