Saturday, July 19, 2008

Phone v/s Email

I'm so not a phone person. I used to be. When I was in high school and even early college, I loved talking on the phone. That was standard operating procedure upon arriving home from school or class. It didn't matter that I had just spent the last 8 hours with most of the people I talked to. There always seemed to be something or someone to discuss. I'm not even sure exactly when my feelings about the phone changed. Perhaps it was about the time that cell phones became popular. Maybe I started feeling pressure to talk to folks at any time b/c now they could get in touch with me at any time. And since they were now calling my cell phone, I couldn't the play "oh i wasn't at home" card. That's the beauty of cell phones, right? The ability to get in touch with a person at any given time no matter where that person might be or what that person might be doing? Perhaps it was the convenience that killed the joy for me. Who knows? All I know is that getting on the phone is one of the last things that I want to do. Phone calls are almost always the last thing that I scratch off my to-do list. It's really rather sad.
I don't know what it is exactly about talking on the phone that makes me want to avoid it like the plague. Perhaps its the fear of those awkward silences when the conversation lags, or maybe its the uncertainty of the length of the conversation. I don't know, I just almost dread hearing my cell phone ring. Not that I don't like keeping in touch with my friends and family. I love being around people. I'd just much rather email or text or check facebook. Those seem like much less invasive ways of communication. People can respond at their leisure and oftentimes while they're doing other things.
So if I ever seem uncomfortable on the phone, at least you know the reason.

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