Thursday, January 22, 2009

Up, Down, Up, Down

My prayer tonight as I'm falling asleep will go something like this, "Father, can we just forget this day? Amen." And I know that its okay to pray that way because 1) God knows that that is exactly what is in my head and on my heart anyway, so I may as well voice it and 2) Pastor Barry mentioned in his sermon a couple of weeks ago that he's prayed that prayer at the end of a day before. Here are just a few of the twists & turns of the rollercoaster that has made up my last 36 hours....
Up ~ an email from our real estate agent telling us that a house in our neighborhood is under contract...very encouraging news.
Down ~ a voicemail telling us that someone else has made an offer on the house in Vestbrook, meaning that we have to bust it to try and make an offer of our own.
Up ~ I got on the scale this morning and found that I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight...whoo-hoo!
Down ~ I way over-reacted on the phone with Jared while the children were listening prompting Rachel to ask me why I was mad at Daddy.
Up ~ Rachel figured out and read the word Dig during "school" while we were working on "ig" words.

1 comment:

Alice Morgado said...

Hi Dawn! I just found your blog. Thanks for the link. We're actually starting to look at houses, too. We'd kind of been planning to move this spring, but we're not sure now if it's going to happen... we're constantly looking for that one amazing deal that will make it possible, though. Anyway, hope you're doing well! We haven't seen ya'll in way too long. We really should plan a night of Seinfeld Scene It sometime soon.