Monday, September 7, 2009

Its that time of year again!

We took the big kids down to AU for the first game of the season! Big Thanks to Joe & Jennifer for watching Isaac for us! And Big Thanks to Kyle's mom's boss for the free tickets! And Big Thanks to the two unknown Tiger fans who handed free tickets to Rach (story to follow)! 
This might sound like a 'Duh!' statement, but experiencing an AU football game as a parent with small children is very different from experiencing an AU football game as a student or even as an alum without children. For me, this trip was quite nostalgic. It was almost surreal to walk through campus holding my daughter's hand...the whole time, my mind was rewinding back a few years to my days as a student. I found myself saying things like, 'your daddy and I had classes in this building' and 'I used to walk on the concourse every day' and 'there used to be a big eagle's cage right here.' 
Funny story ~ Before the game, we ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A on Magnolia. As we were leaving, three big guys were walking up the steps, and one of them had painted his chest orange. Noah zoned in on him and watched him walk all the way up the stairs. He was fascinated. As the guy walked by, Noah looked up at Jared and said, "Daddy, is that man wearing a shirt?"
"No, Buddy. He painted himself orange."
"He painted himself?"
"Yes, Buddy."
"Daddy, when I grow up, can I paint myself too?" We all thought that was too cute. Even the 'painted man' laughed and laughed.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day....

Rach practicing her 'I need tickets' pose. It worked! Jared put her up on his shoulders and within five minutes, two different fans handed an extra ticket to her. Yay Rachie!
Rach and her new doll, Auburn.

1 comment:

Lacy said...

That story about the guy that was painted is great! And that last picture of Jared and Noah needs to go in an Auburn picture contest or something! Too cute!!!