I am too weak for Facebook.
For weeks, no, months, I have turned a blind eye to this truth and pretended that I could handle it. I could log out when I needed to, well, when I wanted to. I could resist logging on when I needed to, well, when I wanted to. It didn't distract me from more important things, well, not very often. I hadn't turned into a facebook stalker, well, at least not every day. See, I reasoned with myself, I can handle this. At some point in this conversation with myself though, I realized that I was doing some serious rationalizing and begin to doubt my *mastery* of facebook.
"Okay, okay, fine," I said to myself, "maybe I have some issues, but no worries, I'll fix it. I'll set limits." So I did and my self-imposed limits lasted for about a week and a half.
Last night, I was talking with Jared about some recent facebook drama, and I was hit with this crazy realization ~ I am spending half an hour descibing to my husband a conversation that occurred on facebook....on FACEBOOK! What am I doing? I became so frustrated with myself because I could see the absolute absurdity of it and yet here I was getting sucked back in.
So, I've decided to bite a huge bullet. No, I'm not deleting my account. There are several redeeming qualities to facebook like keeping in touch with family and sharing pictures and videoes en masse. What I am doing is asking Jared to keep me accountable by changing my password and keeping it a secret. If I want to log on, I'll have to go to him. Now, some people may sneer at this, and maybe they have good reason to do so. After all, it is rather sad that my facebook junkieness has reached such a level. However, I think that one of the hallmarks of wisdom is knowing your weaknesses and safeguarding yourself.